Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tea Time

     Tea is the most popular beverage in the world today.  It was introduced in Europe in 1610 and until about two hundred years ago, people in many Asian countries used bricks of tea as money.
     But according to Charlotte Foltz Jones in her book, Mistakes that Worked, it almost didn't exist.  It was discovered by accident in 2737 B.C. by Chinese emperor Shen Nung.  One day he was boiling water outside when leaves from a nearby bush fell into the open kettle.  Before he could retrieve the leaves, they began to brew.  Shen Nung smelled the sweet aroma of the mixture and once he tasted it, the world was introduced to tea.
     One estimate says 2,020,000 metric tons of tea are consumed world wide each year.  That means we drink  about 855 billion cups of tea a year.  That's quite a spot of tea!

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