Friday, September 23, 2016

More Sneaky Salt

     Yesterday I highlighted some of the places where sodium hides in the food we enjoy on a daily basis.  This information was provided by the webpage  Here is more information on the topic.

     Continuing the list of the top ten culprits containing sodium:

6. Soup.  Low calorie?  Sure. But calories aren't everything.  Most canned soups contain a ridiculous amount of sodium, so check those nutrition labels.  One cup of tomato soup may only have around 75 calories, but it sports about 20 percent of your daily value of salt.  A better option is to make your own soup so you can control the sodium content.

7. Processed cheese.  We can only warn you so many times about processed foods.  But consider that processed cheese contains a whopping amount of salt.  One slice can have more than 500 mg of sodium, depending on the brand.  Even the ones labeled "light" contain about 250 mg!  So the term is all relative.

Harvest_Grain_Nut_Pancakes.png (617×367)

8. Pancakes.  We may associate pancakes with sweet, heavenly goodness, but restaurants slip in a whole slew of ingredients  that would shock and surprise us.  Did you know that three of IHOP's buttermilk pancakes contain 1,400 mg of sodium?  That's well over half of our daily value.

9. Veggie Burgers.  Most veggie and soy burgers out there are packed with processed ingredients.  The companies that produce them often add a boatload of sodium to cover up the taste.  Some of these burgers can include more than 500 mg of salt, and that's before you tack on the bun and condiments.

10. Breakfast Cereals.  Sugar? sure.  But sodium?  Believe it or not, most of our favorite cereals are loaded with a surprising amount of salt.  Fiber One honey Clusters lists its sodium content at 230 mg, or about 10%.  Stick with the cereals like shredded wheat or oatmeal to avoid hidden salt.

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