Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Spice Rack Scam

In The Splendid Table cookbook, How to Eat Weekends, Lynne Kasper & Sally Swift uncover a problem in the kitchen, "The Spice Rack Scam."  Here's what they have to say:

     "Don't fall for the scam of buying a complete spice set with every herb and spice known to humankind.  The only thing you'll be guaranteed to have is a complete collection of dead flavors.  Instead, buy as you go, in small quantities, and for the fullest flavors, buy whole spices and grind them yourself.  The difference is amazing.
     "Dried herbs and ground spices are in their prime for 3 months; whole spices are good for a year.

     "ONE MORE THING:  You know those nicely designed spice racks that hang over your stove?  Forget them, too.  Heat and light are the enemy of seasonings.  Could anyone have designed a worse place to hang a spice rack?

     "How about starting a new household tradition at the New Year?  Get family and friends together and pitch out all the past year's spices, or better yet, do a ceremnial burning in the fireplace, or outside in the snow."

Sounds like a good way to spice up your life in 2013.


  1. what about that big jug of oregano I've had since college - that is still good, right?!

  2. That book is full of fun facts! Josh buys and grinds his own spices all of the time. Or he buys them in very small amts - only what he needs for the recipe.
