Wednesday, February 5, 2014

One Plant, Two Names

     What we know of as cilantro and coriander are in fact both from the same plant.  Related to parsley, coriander, the proper name of the entire plant, is native to the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and southwest Asia.  Both the leaves and the seeds are used widely throughout the world, each in their own way.

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     Cilantro, sometimes known as Chinese parsley, is recognized by its dark green, lacy leaves.  They are actually from the coriander plant and provide a pungent flavor that contributes to the highly spiced foods of Indian, Asian, Caribbean and Latin American cuisines.

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     Coriander seeds, the dried, ripe fruit of the plant, have a fragrant aroma that is a combination of lemon, sage, and caraway.  Whole seeds are used in pickling and for drinks like mulled wine.  Ground seeds are added to baked goods, curry blends and soups.

   It's like getting  a 2fur out of a single plant!

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1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about arugula and rocket today as I got my salad for lunch. :)
