Monday, November 16, 2015

Banishing Fridge Stink, Level 2

Level II: The Stench is Difficult to Ignore

4. Tomato Juice.  You want your fridge to be completely empty before trying this one, so make sure the stink can't be fixed with 1, 2, or 3 first!  Dip a sponge in undiluted tomato juice and wipe down your fridge.  Rinse the tomato juice with warm soapy water - your fridge should smell fresh!  Note: When done, dry the fridge completely to avoid any mold or mildew problems.

5. Newspaper. Crumple up your favorite daily, spritz the crumpled pages with water, and then throw them in your fridge overnight.  The newspaper will deodorize the fridge.

6. Coffee Grounds. Place a couple of bowls full of fresh coffee grounds in your fridge.  After a few days, the smell should be completely absorbed by the grounds. Note: Once your fridge smells sweet, toss the grounds.  They will not make a great tasting cup of Joe.

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