Thursday, January 26, 2012

Nota Bene

     Have you ever been reading in a textbook or instructional manual and come across somewhere on the page, either in the margins or at the bottom, the letters N.B. and wondered what it meant?  It's an abbreviation for Nota Bene meaning "note well" or "pay attention."  It's a Latin term that's also found in legal papers.  It alerts the reader concerning an additional aspect or detail regarding the subject at hand.  The reason I bring this up today is in relation to my daily musings that you read here.
     N.B. Certain words or terms that appear in highlighted colors are actually links to further explain the topic or provide a recipe.
     Go ahead!  Try it.  Take your cursor up to "Nota Bene" above and click on it.  It will direct you to the Wikipedia definition of the term.  Yesterday's post had a highlighted section "coq au vin" and clicking on that gave you the recipe for my infamous french meal in Provence.  There was also a link connected to the name of the farmer's market "The Green Dragon" in an earlier post.
     No doubt many of you tech savvy individuals already knew about the automatic linking process.  But there may be a few of you who have not learned all the nuances of the computer keyboard and it's ability to transport you immediately to practically anywhere. 
     So now when you come across a highlighted word or term in any subsequent post of mine you can take a moment and click on it to further pursue the subject.  It's just that easy!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like someone's been giving you grief about your supposed lack of recipe for coq au vin...
