Sunday, January 8, 2012

Weekly Menu Planner

     Well here it is!  The first Weekly Menu Planner.  Every week I sit down and map out all the dinner meals for the week ahead.  Too organized, you say?  Well perhaps, but experience has taught me that it actually makes life easier.  After composing my meals for the week I can then sit down and write up my grocery list and get what I actually need and not just head to the market with nothing in mind.  It also makes life easier when it comes to preparing the evening meal each day.  I can look at my planner (taped to the kitchen cabinet door) and know what I am going to prepare.  I plan meals around some specific parameters, namely the season of the year and the forcasted weather, and also what I have on hand in the freezer and on my shelves.  Winter is an excellent time to cook hearty soups and stews.  These are meals that warm both body and soul.  This week is a good example of those kinds of meals.  So take a look at what I plan to prepare for this coming week:


Beef Stew

Hot Pork Sandwiches
Rice Pilaf
Sliced Tomatoes & Feta

Szechuan Shrimp over Pasta
Sliced Oranges

Beef Stew Reprise

Stuffed Baked Potato
Roasted Winter Veggies

Chef's Night Off

     Yes, the chef does get one night off a week!  It has become our tradition to enjoy a night at someone else's table.  I enjoy going to check out what local eateries are serving up and gaining valuable tips on preparation and presentation.  I'll let you know what's cooking around town and places to go for a good meal that doesn't break the bank.
     So enjoy a good meal that has been thoughtfully prepared this week.  And when you do, thank Vinny!


  1. wow !! hey vinnie what a great surprise. this is great !!! will you be providing the receipes too or did i miss that part? i am hungry already !!

  2. Yes, please mail some beef stew and cornbread out to Minnesota! Thanks!

  3. Your name for leftovers was great - Beef Stew reprise! Sounds like a second chance to try something great. My son-in-law does not like leftovers, but maybe he would go for the dinner Reprised! I see you are having my absolute favorite - meatloaf. Ummmmm
