Thursday, July 4, 2013

A Fourth of July Tradition


     Think of Independence Day and what comes to mind?  Probably parades, picnics and fireworks.  But on Coney Island there is a different tradition going on.  This year the 98th Nathan's Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Easting Contest will take place.  And as one pundit put it "...It's a dogfight, a roast, a frank encounter, a contest to win in the wurst way.  In short, it's an event that devours puns.  With relish." 

     The annual 4th of July hot dog eating contest is set to roll today in Coney Island with chomp champs Joey Chestnut and & Sonya Thomas defending their respective men's and women's titles of 68 weiners and buns for the men and 45 dogs in a roll for the women.

     When asked about his strategy Chestnut replied it would be " find my rhythm really quickly...trying to eat a little more gracefully, conserve my energy."  Thomas, nicknamed "The Black Widow" at 100 pounds said that for her the challenge is "more mental than physical."

     Meanwhile, standing helpless by at yesterday's weigh in, Mayor Bloomberg, the self proclaimed champion of culinary self restraint could only say  "...let's be frank," and that he was looking forward to eventually congratulating the "weiner of the contest."

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