Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Chillin' Out

     I love soup.  Any kind of soup.  And more than that, I really, really enjoy cooking any number of varieties of soups all year long.  From hearty minestrone, to creamy tomato or the earthy flavors of mushroom soup there is nothing that fills the house with the inviting fragrance of food like a soup simmering on the stove.  And that also goes for the not so distant soup relatives: stews, chili and gumbo.

     And as different as each recipe is there is one thing that unites them all.  They are all cooked and served piping hot to warm both body and soul on a chilly damp day.

     So you can imagine my skepticism when I recently came across a recipe for a chilled cantaloupe & cucumber gazpacho.  Cold soup?  To me that is somewhat of an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms.  But it's been hot here lately, uncomfortably hot.  So I thought I would give it a try.  I loosely followed the instructions and put all the ingredients in the food processor then allowed everything to chill out in the 'frig for a couple hours.  Then as an appetizer for an evening meal on a hot summer's day I served it up.

     It is decidedly an acquired taste and took some getting used to for me, as I have heretofore always associated soup with something warm, not cool.  But it was a very refreshing way to begin the meal at a kitchen table without air conditioning.  I think I could be converted to this new twist on an old standby.  In fact, I even investigated how to make a chilled cherry soup and tried that later in the week and enjoyed it just as much.

     Here is the recipe for you to try in these dog days of Summer:

Cantaloupe & Cucumber Gazpacho
1/2 medium cantaloupe, seeded & chopped
1/2 cucumber peeled and chopped
2 Tbsp red onion, chopped
1 tsp Kosher salt
1/4 cup EVOO
Put all chopped ingredients into a food processor and run until smooth.  While the machine is still running drizzle in the EVOO.  Season with salt and freshly ground pepper.  Chill in the refrigerator for several hours and serve garnished with thinly sliced fresh mint.

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