Wednesday, January 29, 2014

To Mash or not to Mash?

     I will be the first to admit that mashed potatoes are perhaps my favorite side dish.  And there is a member of my family who will remain unnamed but lives in St. Paul who can make an entire meal of them.  But recently I have discovered a worthy substitute.

     The mega-grocery chain Wegman sent out a magazine style cookbook that I receive in the mail.  It focused primarily on Asian cuisine and had some very interesting recipes, all highlighting their products, I might add.  But one of them caught my eye.  It was for a Cauliflower Vanilla Puree.  It seemed simple enough to prepare and had only a handful of ingredients.  So since I already had a small head of cauliflower in the 'frig, I thought I'd give it a try.

     Once again I was willing to make a minor substitution, relying on my pantry rather than going out to purchase something I might never use again, choosing to incorporate some of my own vanilla extract in place of vanilla bean paste.  But I kept the rest of the ingredient list intact.  The result was a very pleasing side dish that could easily replace the work horse spuds that often accompany an entrée around our house.  I recommend it to you for your approval.  Here is the recipe:

Cauliflower Vanilla Puree
2 cups milk                     1 head cauliflower, cut into florets           1 tsp vanilla
8 cups water                   1 6 oz container vanilla Greek yogurt      1 Tbsp scallions,
                                         salt & pepper to taste                                      thinly sliced
Add milk, water (and salt) to stock pot.  Using high heat, bring to a boil.  As soon as the liquid boils, add cauliflower.  Return to simmer; stir.  Simmer 10-15 minutes on med-low until fork tender.  Let cauliflower drain 10 minutes.
Puree cauliflower and yogurt in a blender or food processor, in two batches if necessary.  Add puree to a saucepan; season with (salt) and pepper.  Heat on low 5-10 minutes; stir in vanilla.  Fold in scallions and serve.

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